
Teeth Whitening

branqueamento dentário algarve
branqueamento dentário lagos

Teeth Whitening

Aesthetic dentistry is the area of dentistry that involves treatments aimed at recovery or aesthetic rehabilitation, such as dental bleaching.
It consists of treatments such as restorations with specific materials (usually on anterior teeth), teeth whitening (internal and external), periodontal surgery (such as stretching of dental crowns) or the placement of fixed dental prosthesis.
To complete dental rehabilitation, several of these clinical treatments are usually used in order to achieve the best aesthetic result.

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Técnicas Estética Dentária

Aesthetic Restorations

Teeth Whitening

Aesthetic Facets

Aesthetic Dentistry

in Orallagos

At Orallagos we believe that smile is one of the main factors that influences our self-esteem and the perceptions of others about us.

If we have badly treated teeth our interaction with other people will be affected. Dental aesthetic is thus a specialty of dental medicine very important for treating all malformations of teeth, whether stains, teeth darkened, pigmented, misshapen or fractured.

This specialty also corrects teeth with spaces between them or poorly positioned giving back a beautiful and natural smile and contributing to an improvement of self-esteem.

Clinical Cases

Elsa Viegas- Review
Fui atendida pela Dra. Gisela Cabrita e fiquei bastante satisfeita! Sem dúvida uma excelente profissional

Beatriz Amores

O Dr. Nuno Garrido e equipa são de uma simpatia e profissionalismo extremos. Altamente recomendável.

Debra Peters

Todos muito simpáticos profissionais. É difícil marcar consulta mas receção tenta ajudar o mais possível. Os médicos são muito dedicados e sabem o que fazem. Recomendo vivamente.

Jesús Moreno Muñoz


Over 70 Agreements Made

The Orallagos dental clinic is concerned with establishing agreements and partnerships to reach more and more patients, providing dental treatments with the best conditions.

Make your appointment now

To ensure a more effective response, we call on you to schedule your consultation through our platform
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