Periodontology is the specialty that studies and treats soft tissues and dental support. This specialty treats the diseases of the gums and maintains the health of the tissues, allowing the conservation of the dental pieces and the treatments performed.
When periodontal health is compromised, the first problems arise in the gums, such as bad taste and bad breath, bleeding and tooth sensitivity. This condition is called gingivitis, which can develop into more advanced conditions such as moderate and advanced periodontitis, causing the patient to feel great discomfort.
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Spontaneous gums bleeding.
Gingival enlargement or redness.
Bad breath and / or bad taste in the mouth.
Detached or retracted gingiva.
Cold sensitive in teeth.
Presence of pus in the gums.
in Orallagos
At the Orallagos dental clinic we believe that the success of Periodontal treatment depends on the permanent teamwork between the patient and the dentist.
We advocate that the best method to avoid these diseases is to do the cleanings or reassessments every 6 months and perform a good oral hygiene every day. Sometimes there may be the need to perform small surgeries, performed by a specialized professional, involving scaling and root planing and bacterial elimination, supported by antibiotic treatment.
Fui atendida pela Dra. Gisela Cabrita e fiquei bastante satisfeita! Sem dúvida uma excelente profissional.
Beatriz Amores
Para quem tinha medo de dentistas fiquei surpreendida… Tanto na receção como a consulta 5 *. Dr. Rita Oliveira e assistente Jéssica Marques, muito cuidadosas e preocupadas com o bem estar do paciente, só senti a anestesia mesmo. Simpatia e profissionalismo é com a Orallagos RECOMENDO
Debra Peters
O Dr. Nuno Garrido e equipa são de uma simpatia e profissionalismo extremos. Altamente recomendável.
Elsa Viegas
Over 70 Agreements Made
The Orallagos dental clinic is concerned with establishing agreements and partnerships to reach more and more patients, providing dental treatments with the best conditions.
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