Dental Aesthetics
Dental Aesthetics
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Related Specialties
Crowns and Bridges
Thin ceramic or composite sheets that cover the face of the tooth.
Dental Aesthetics
in Orallagos
At Orallagos we believe that the smile is one of the main factors that influence our self-esteem and the perceptions of others about us.
If we have bad teeth our interaction with other people will be affected. Dental aesthetics is thus a very important specialty of dentistry for treating all malformations of the teeth, whether stains, darkened, pigmented, misshapen or fractured teeth.
This specialty also corrects teeth with spaces between them or poorly positioned, giving you a beautiful and natural smile and contributing to an improvement in self-esteem.
Fui há Orallagos para um tratamento estético e o resultado foi ainda melhor que esperava. Muito obrigado a toda a equipa
Eu estava de férias e tive que ir a esta clínica com urgência. Eles me receberam imediatamente e resolveram o problema. Encantada com o tratamento e profissionalismo
Antonio España López
Profissionalismo, simpatia e confiança. Aqui estamos em boas mãos.