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Dental Treatments

Available Treatments

Orallagos covers all areas of oral health care.

Dental Implants

Implantation of artificial structures and materials in the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity.


Removable aligners, so you can keep doing what you normally do.


Treatment of malpositioned teeth and maxillary malformations.

Teeth Whitening

Treatments aimed at aesthetic recovery or rehabilitation

Dental Aesthetics

Improve the appearance of teeth and smile in general.

Crowns and Bridges

Restore badly destroyed or missing teeth in a fixed way.


Contact relationship between the teeth of the two arches.


Treating gum disease and maintaining tissue health.

Pediatric Dentistry

Childcare up to 12 years old, from baby teeth.

Oral Surgery

Diagnosis and surgical treatment of pathologies of the oral and maxillofacial region.

Dental Prosthetics

Replacement of missing teeth, due to loss of teeth or the natural lack of some teeth.

Specialty of dentistry that diagnoses and treats injuries and pathologies of the oral cavity.


Treatment of all pathology related to the dental pulp or “nerve” of the tooth.

Over 70 Agreements Made

Orallagos dental clinic is concerned with establishing agreements and partnerships to reach more and more patients, providing dental treatments with the best conditions.

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